My in-laws, Tara & Jeff, became accidental & unintentional farmer/florists during the summer of 2018. The simple planting of flower seeds, which started as a gesture of love from a husband to a wife, quickly evolved into the selling of floral bouquets which brought many smiles of delight. In 2021, Tara & Jeff entrusted their son, Nick, and myself to grow and continue the business as INTENTIONAL farmer/florists entering into our fourth season of raising stunning farm to table blooms.
At the end of each workday we’re all about spreading love, joy and happiness one farm fresh bouquet at a time and we’re definitely “where it’s FUN to get your Bloomers in a bunch!”
-Allison Hill

We are available to fulfill special orders, Monday through Friday, for pick-up at our farm stand during the months of April, May, June, July & August for mixed floral arrangement sales as well as limited hours, surrounding the Easter holiday, for tulip and daffodils sales.
You’ll find us selling farm fresh bouquets at The Lehighton Downtown Farmer’s Market (Lehighton, PA) almost every Saturday during the summertime.
To stay up-to-date on the latest Bloomers happenings, please LIKE or FOLLOW our Bloomers FB and/or Instagram Pages. For easy access to those pages, please click on the provided links.
The farm to table flowers we raise includes Zinnias, Snapdragons, Stock, Sunflowers, Flock, Daisies, Yarrow, Celosia, Tulips, Daffodils, Lilies, Peonies, assorted fillers & seasonal herbs. Our flower menu is highly conducive for creating freshly made arrangements for everyday, special occasion & sympathy expressions as well as picnic, party, & shower decor.
Despite not having daily sales hours, we work in our gardens daily. That means we’re simply a phone call or email away from you being able to place a special order for your midweek needs. WE LOVE SPECIAL ORDERS!!!

Our adventure into the farmer/florist world began on a cold February day in 2018 while my husband Jeff was perusing a gardening catalog. He asked me to select a few of my favorite flowers so I obliged since he wanted to plant a flower garden for me…how sweet!
Several weeks later a small but heavy box arrived at our doorstep containing bags, and not packets, of various flower seeds. When asked about his plans for ALL of those seeds he again stated it was for my garden. When inquiring about the garden size he said it was equivalent to a field…a several acre field!!! Imagine my shock! Honestly, I truly should have known better than to think that my garden would be small considering Jeff is a successful, 3rd generation Christmas tree farmer. Successful farmers rarely think on a small scale and flower farming proved to be no exception!
Fast forward to that summer and my “garden” was filled with the most beautifully colored zinnias and cosmos I’d ever seen. It was at that point I realized they should be shared with others. Jeff encouraged me to try my hand at flower arranging and to post a few bouquet photos on our Hill Farms FB page…so I did. Little did we realize that would be the day that Bloomers Flower Farm was born! Customers loved our fresh floral arrangements and encouraged us to continue on our farmer/florist adventure.
During the winter of 2019 we installed formal flower beds, irrigation and fenced in a portion of our yard which is now where we raise the majority of our farm to table flowers. 2019 brought us a very busy floral season which required our son and his then-fiancé to lend their helping hands.
As our flower business continues to grow, the end of the 2021 Season brought with it an exciting new business change! Allison, our son Nick’s wife, with the help of Nick, will be taking over the business as Bloomers moves forward! We are so excited for them & this new opportunity, and cannot wait to see where Bloomers will go from here!
Between selling weekly arrangements at our farm stand and at our local farmers market, we were spreading love, joy and happiness one bouquet at a time! Our community has shown our small, family owned & operated flower farm so much love and support and for that we are eternally grateful! THANK YOU!
Tara & Jeff Hill